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The Lord said, "My people don't know
the questions they should be asking!"
the questions they should be asking!"

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The Lord's Prophetic Time Clock
for His Third Day Reign

A Season of Hope!


Man Child on Display

Sabbath Judgment Meeting, January 12, 2021 - MC

The waters of the sea rage and the souls of men question. Mankind questions many things. I will perform My Word. The world clock and its chain of events are being changed. My word trumps all voices, all powers, all rulers, all thrones, all kings. I will declare and who will reverse it? Yes, My word can be contingent because of man's freewill to receive life or death, but not all things are contingent.

I am bringing forth a season of hope - an enduring hope. A hope that will remain and not fade away. A hope for future generations. I will anchor it in truth and in My promises. Too many of My people have docked themselves with selfish anchors. Check yourselves and what you are anchored in and remove what needs to be removed. In doing so you will receive more joy in your life. Selfishness will keep you from seeing My season of hope.

Hope, hope, hope shall usher forth that has been underlaid with My mercy. Hope increases through perseverance in faith. Perseverance is key to increase hope to establish the manifested promise given by faith. Many lack this fruit of the Spirit. Persevere My Children and trust Me, even in the darkest hour, persevere. That is all, Child. Adjourn the meeting.

The Holy Spirit reminded me to share this dream I received on November 16, 2020 that confirms the world clock is being changed through the Lord words.

Scene, I was standing with Roy and a few other men. One of these men I recognized to be a man who has been connected with the ministry for years. We were standing inside a large room upstairs inside a building. This was a large school building. I knew I had wrote things down that were now being used and read inside this large school. I saw some of what I wrote but I couldn’t read what the words said. As we were standing there I had an intuition that something about the looks of the world were going to change somehow. I saw a clock hanging up on the wall nearby when this hit me and I knew it dealt with time. I knew somehow there was going to be a “new standard world clock” put forth.

The interpretation is this: the large school is the ministry and many people are learning and growing from it. The things I have written down that are now being used is the information God is bringing forth through me in the Sabbath Judgment Meetings. The Lord’s words that are in the Prophetic Time Clock are changing the standard world clock to a new one that the Lord will rule and reign through. This has already started to happen and will continue to do so according to the will, plans, perfect timing and purposes of Almighty Yahweh. He will perform His word.

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