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Python Spirit | Depth

Walking through four Pythons as a man!


The book: Satan and Evil Spirits, the Enemies of Mankind.

Book Index:

Satan and Evil Spirits PDF of this section Satan Book One cover
1. Introduction The Enemy of Mankind. My Experience with the Devil
2. The Enemy of Mankind My Experience with the Devil.
3. How Simply Does the Enemy Use the Thoughts of People Against God's Purpose?
4. The Deep Seed of Anger
5. My Deliverance From the Spirit of Fear

5a Pain in Deliverance

Python Section PDF Python wide zip - Book Two 6th Ed zip - Cover zip
6. Python! Divination = Python. It's a Soul Thing. Familiar Spirit = Python
7. What! A Religious Spirit? Necromancer = Python
8. Four Faces of Python!
9. "This Spirit is Rampant in My Church!"
10. A Witness Concerning the Snake's Tactics!
11. Python Belittling the Work of the Cross Haughty = Python. Personal Experience With Haughty
12. The Python is a "Strong Man."

Depth Concerning Python
13. Introduction - Timeline Events
14. The Courts of Heaven
15. Python and the Mind of Man
16. It Takes a Flow Chart to Get Rid of Python

17. Python! The Second Time Through.

You are here at number 13 (introduction)

Depth Concerning Python / Mature Man

Introduction - including the scene

God is expanding the picture of Python to include the depth of the matter. Sometime back the Lord told us He was taking us to the depths. This is just one of the subjects where He has taken us to the depths. Remember, the Lord said, "This spirit is rampant in my church." To my knowledge God has not said anything about any other spirit being rampant, except Python. When we understand that Python dethrones God or breaks relationships with God (unknown to the people) and has everything to do with harlotry, then we can see how important it is to gain all the insight we can. It can be a mind controlling spirit. Python can destroy the workings of the Married Bride and the very marriage of the Bride to the Lamb if not held in check.

In 1999, God gave me a scene concerning Python that is in the articles already written. It reveals that I was going to experience Python as a child of God and then again as a mature man. I didn't understand it then but the scene was prophetic. So as you read through the scene make note of the fact that God was showing me the scene from above, revealing three colors of Python. On the second time through, on the ground, a fourth color would be revealed. I think it important to point out that as a mature man I encountered much more than what I saw as a boy.

The information in this section is basically assembled from the second time through. It seems to me that the first time through produced what has been on this site for years concerning Python. You should have read all the information in the Satan and Evil Spirits section before reading further here. If it's been awhile since you read that information, perhaps you should reread it again before proceeding. It is all relevant, and God is really expanding the picture here. You will see that this is a far reaching matter!

The scene of May 12, 1999, from the previous articles:

The part of the scene I want to share is where I was watching a boy who was flying through the air, showing me three large Python snakes on the ground. Then I was beside him and he was pointing them out saying, "See!" There was a snake (1) that was lying flat on the ground that had a red stripe and appeared dead. The second (2) Python had a pinkish purple stripe. (This stripe was not distinctively sharp like the stripes on the other snakes.) This snake was at the base of some stairs that were out in the open, like they went up into heaven. He had his head up, like he was ready to strike anyone who attempted to go up the stairs. I knew I was to go up those stairs. There was a third Python (3) with a green stripe, past the one at the stairs. (In the scene it was made very clear that all these Pythons had different actions.) Then I was on the ground (mature man), walking through the Pythons again, by myself, as I was the boy turned man.

In the scene when I was mature, I walked by the red-striped Python that was laid out, looking dead; by the one at the stairs (2) and on to the other green-striped Python (3). I then turned back to the Python that was red striped (1), appearing dead, to see it split open and another Python (4) come out of it that had a blue stripe. It aggressively came after me. I then quickly walked to the Python at the stairs that wanted to strike me. I had my hands out ready to catch its head as it struck at me. I was going to prove that the hands are quicker than the eye by catching its head as it lunged at me. I was ready! The Python was guarding the stairs because he already knew I was supposed to go up them.

Remember when Jesus rebuked Peter saying, "Get you behind Me, Satan." God has given further insight into what really happened. The meaning of the picture of the Python with the hollow head has been illuminated. I also personally believe that the song that was given to me at the end of the scene saying, "Heaven's on our side" will come to mean more than it has up to this point. God has revealed the depths of Python. You can catch a glimpse of it in the following time line, by date, of "the things of the Spirit" found in our Corporate Flow Chart. It is God demonstrating in the physical what He is teaching concerning the depths of Python. People are involved, so I will refer to these people in these writings as Person B, Person C, and so on.

Timeline Events


May 12, 1999 (old article)
Original prophetic scene of four colors of stripes on the snakes.

October 17, 2000 (old article)
God revealed He was going to illuminate the Python spirit for us. (Hollow head picture.)

April 29, 2004
In a scene concerning my file with a picture of "Person C" in it I was told, “You don’t want to lose the file concerning 'Person C'.” I had no clue as to why!

May 10, 2004
I was given a lengthy scene of a waterfall with a man made obstruction in it. It was in the River of Life. There was a vision given inside the dream. This was given concerning "Person C," so we could learn more about the activities of Python. This has to do with Python involved in the soul of man, therefore, wrongly dividing and causing problems in the River of Life.

October 27, 2005
In a vision I saw the short time that "Person C" had found the Secret Place, as an individual and as a part of this group. God revealed that because of the “things of the Spirit” in the Corporate Flow Chart I would be able to see how "Person C" went into the Secret Place, and also how "Person C" walked out of it, soon deteriorating into Python's control.

March 8, 2007
God reveals Python's legal rights in the Courts of Heaven during a deliverance. It was all done so we could come to understand! A real eye opener.

October 13, 2007
In a scene I saw myself as a mature man. I take this scene as being a bench mark of sorts, or a revealing that I was living in the time of the "mature man" section of the prophetic scene of May 12, 1999. God wanted me to be aware of this window of time.

August 2008
The Holy Spirit revealed "Person D" has Python No. 3, the green striped one, in the scene of May 12, 1999.

August 14, 2008
In a scene I was shown how much more power could be produced if Python was taken out of the mechanics of a corporate meeting. I saw a woman with Python taken out and then there was much more power produced.

October 31, 2008
God reveals that we cannot take Python or the spirit of anger to The Hill God Calls the Place. They must be gone, individually and corporately. This made what He was teaching us about Python much more important to us. The Lord told us the Hill coming to pass was "contingent," meaning certain things have to take place.

November 5, 2008
Scene: I was looking at an e-mail and I was told, “You should know a Python e-mail by its structure.”

December 1, 2008
In a scene God revealed I had come to the time in the original scene (May 12, 1999) where I could handle Python's mouth and walk up the stairway. In this I was also shown the immense magnitude of Python by showing me the world, in time, going all the way back to the Garden. I was also told around this period of time that it takes a Corporate Flow Chart to deliver people from Python and its effects. Seeing the immensity of Python clear back to the Garden gave me insight into why God said it takes a Corporate Flow Chart.

The Courts of Heaven


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