God’s Heart
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Excerpt from original word to this body:
August 27,1989
I'm looking for faith in My people. I'm looking for faith based upon Me and My ways, not My acts. I'm looking for faith in My ways. Know My ways. Take of my heart as a gift, My children. My heart is tied with a bow; it is a gift unto you. Unwrap it as a gift and receive it from Me for the world cannot. There is a world that is dying, and I want My heart given to them.
Scene: March 19, 1999
I was in the process of opening a white gift-wrapped box, which had a lid with a ribbon and a bow. When I took the lid off, I found spiral notebooks stacked in the box. They were bright and shiny and all sorts of very pretty colors. The spirals were across the top of the notebooks so they opened from the bottom. I started to take them out one by one and noticed that the sides tapered in towards the bottom but not to a point. They had lines on the paper and the notebooks were broader at the top with tapered sides. In the scene, I was excited and knew these notebooks were wonderful. As I was coming out of the vision, I realized they were the center of a heart. (The note books were the center of a heart - not the bottom, and not the top.)
God is revealing in this night vision that this information is at the center of His Heart. The colorful notebooks on the vision represent information we have received and are still receiving that comes down God’s River of Life. This information is kept in what we call a Corporate Flow Booklet. Running from 1998 to and including 2006 this corporate record contains 1,661 pages printed in No. 11 font.
When the vision was given we already had a three ring notebook that contained articles on this site written from the information held in the Corporate Flow Booklet. The notebook was red and after the Lord said, “Remember, it’s for Me, not for you,” we placed those words on the front of the notebook. This red notebook contained the articles that are now on this web site, Take His Heart. We began giving people, who were interested, a notebook and as articles were written we would send them to these people so they could add them to their notebook.
God revealed we were to get on the Internet on February 12, 1998 and the writings that were in this red notebook were what started this Take His Heart site. At this time we can see how slowly, step by step, God has taken us towards what He wants us to do, as far as reaching the world with His Heart. As you can see by the dates, we were on the Internet when the night vision of March 19, 1999, was given. To make it clear, according to this vision, we see that God is revealing the articles on this web site are at the center of His Heart!
With this vision the Holy Spirit was revealing to us that we are “in the process” of doing what we were told to do in the original prophecy: Take of my heart as a gift, My children. My heart is tied with a bow; it is a gift unto you. This “in the process” is revealed in the beginning of the vision as recorded: I was in the process of opening a white gift-wrapped box.
God goes on to say: Unwrap it as a gift and receive it from Me for the world cannot. There is a world that is dying, and I want My heart given to them.
This process has continued over the years, as evidenced on this site. We are sure we will continue it into God’s coming events!
The Symbolic Red Notebook
I share a portion of a scene where I was sitting at a long table with people:
May 19, 2002
. . . We had been sitting there not knowing what to do at this point, so I had started to talk about things. I had to my left the cover to “God’s Heart,” the red note-book of the web writings, but it was just the cover as far as I could tell. . . .
It has become established with me that any time the red three-ring note book appears in visions and dreams, it is symbolic of information and has to do with God’s Heart. This is especially important to understand in a scene revealed in He Shall Turn the Hearts of the Fathers to the Children.
The Lord wants people in the world to have His Heart. Here is a word given us:
July 19, 2002
The Lord said, “Receive My heart that’s wrapped with a bow, for you know not all that I have in store for you.”
Through the years God has dealt with us concerning His Heart and our hearts. Various people have seen His Heart at times as the Holy Spirit was dealing with us about it. I can tell you from being in Heaven with the Lord that His Heart is towards His people in a way that is far beyond our comprehension. If you will remember the tears of love shown for one person in my recorded experience in heaven, you can catch a glimpse. But remember, it was not legal for Him to do what He wanted to do, so He couldn’t move on their behalf. It was against His Word. The Lord wants to protect His people in these End Times, It is His desire. But there are boundaries (requirements) to walking with Him under His protection as His Spotless Bride.
August 27,1989
I'm looking for faith in My people. I'm looking for faith based upon Me and My ways, not My acts. I'm looking for faith in My ways. Know My ways. Take of my heart as a gift, My children. My heart is tied with a bow; it is a gift unto you. Unwrap it as a gift and receive it from Me for the world cannot. There is a world that is dying, and I want My heart given to them.
Welcome to:
Take His Heart to the World Ministries website.

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