Burn the Ships, Step into a New Day
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Burn the Ships, Step into a New Day!
"....yes, the church must be judged first."
On February 18, 2019 the Lord gave me a personal strong word.
Meeting 2-18-2019
HP- CU - have confidence, have confidence, have confidence
HH - Move on the ships / think on what the ships are doing to mankind, My believers / move on the ships / it is My Day / a day of triumph / a day of truth / a day of peace / inward peace for those who truly find Me for who I am / move on the ships / burn the ships / it's a sober time / a time for doing things My way / My Bride is making that possible for all / be not dismayed at what I am saying / My believers need the truth / Burn the ships / reconcile them to Me and My ways / stager not, stager not, stager not
Meeting 2-19-2019
Resourcefulness / You have many resources from which to speak / use them with wisdom / establish My words concerning each subject / fear not / Burn the Ships / plant seeds, plant seeds, plant seeds / I will water / I will grow the seed in those who have a heart for Me / a true heart for Me / look for Me to add when needed / big assignment / you are capable with My help / believe it, believe it, believe it / time / yes, the church must be judged first / fear not / the judgements are Mine / Burn the Ships!
The Lord has been dealing with me consistently since February 1, 2019 about burning the ships. Interestingly February is the Lord's transition month before His New Year.
What ships is the Lord talking about? If you haven't read it yet you need to read The Twelve-Foot Wooden Boats (Explained) in the Prophetic section on the front page of this site. http://www.takehisheart.com/The_Twelve_Foot_Wooden_Boats.htm ( Link )
To understand more of how the Lord has dealt with me you also need to go to U-Tube to watch "Burn the Ships" video by for KING and COUNTRY.
The Lord used the tune and phrases from the song as you will see as I share more of His words to me.
Meeting 2-1-2019
I heard the Burn The Ships song again and was thinking about what was prophesied in Washington DC and this bill the Democrats are wanting tp pass of Abortion up to birth and taking GOD out of pledges.
HH - I decided I needed to get all of this out of my mind and in my mind I said, "What say You, LORD, if You have anything to say?" Be calm and assured / stick closely with Me / yes, things are changing, not to be the same / thunderbolts, thunderbolts, thunderbolts / My people must know who the Bride is / thunderous / thunderous I say / truth is truth and shall remain.
Later in the day at the "first of month meeting" I heard, "Burn the ships, don't quench the fire! (Many times over and over.)
Feb 3-2019
(My wife, Faith had come into the living room as I was writing down some notes concerning the scenes given in the night. I shared a lot of the scenes with her and then we both went back to bed. As I was laying down in bed I heard, "Man the boats, man the boats, don't quench the fires.")
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
I awoke in the night to hear, "Step into a new day, Burn the ships"
Meeting 2-17-2019
HP - Besmirch not / for the Kingdom of Heaven is Holy and undefiled / it is of reasonable service /
HH - Woe unto those who seek after their own righteousness instead of mine / they have a bitter end / bear up My truths / they stand, they stand, they stand / having been to Heaven you know this / truth stands in heaven as you saw / besmirch not / burn the ships!
I have shared these things in the hope of you ,the reader, at last catching a glimpse of how serious what the Lord has to do is, in His "Third Day." "Yes, the church must be judged first" is a very serious matter. It's going to happen because it must needs be. It must be judged for it's harlotrous ways!
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Is it a light thing the place
I have called My Bride to come forth from?