God Reveals More of His Arsenal
of Warfare Against Evil!
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(((((( Reverberations ))))))
I have not forgotten the time the Lord said, "You are in a war wether you believe it or not!" I have also not forgotten the number of times the Lord has said He is taking us deeper and what we are doing at Take His Heart is for other people. The Lord is constantly revealing things to set mankind free which, includes us! Understand the Lord loves you whether you receive the 'basic concepts' in this writing or not. The Lord says in His words below this phrase: "My Children, educate, be prepared to educate anyone you sense that may be receptive to this knowledge's basic concepts"
I am sharing two meetings to help set the stage in our minds for what the Lord is bringing forth concerning (((((( Reverberations )))))).
Meeting 5-11-2020 - RS
Standing - Astute be
HH - Forgo nothing I have said / major continual war it is / you understand much / you are not wrong about eternity and man's needed involvement in the warfare / it's a legal thing and must needs be / astute be / listen not to the clamoring of mankind / strengthen yourself / strengthen the Bride
Astute: Adj. Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: an astute businessman.
Meeting 7-8-2020 - RS
HP - Be at peace / things are progressing well / the big picture, the big picture
HH - rest in Me / we are gearing up, gearing up / waver not / look forward to each step / I am an orderly God / My war plans are orderly / specific instructions I will give / be not slack in them / undo the enemy / ways never known before / There is time for everything / neatly done in My order / welcome to the real world / you see, you see, you see / hesitate not to do My biding
The Lord gives a picture of the situation:
Ministry Meeting 1-02-2021
• My Children, be aware of all you Reverberate
• every breath you take and release Reverberates
• your slightest movement causes Reverberations
• motions and anger put forth angry and unholy Reverberations
• My Children, you must take care in what Reverberations you put forth into the airwaves
• the enemy is very much aware of the effect their Reverberations cause
• the enemy very carefully bombards relentlessly every weakness, every toehold with everything evil they possibly can to cause unending Reverberations against all mankind
• you must, you must, you must be aware and counter them with holy Reverberations
• use your holy arsenal I have given you
• My Children, let no unholy Reverberation coming forth from you stand
• these the enemy attaches to increasing their effects
• My Children, think, carefully think on these matters and take actions to correct them and most importantly to correct yourselves
Seven days later the Lord illuminates the situation and what must be done:
Ministry Meeting 1-09-2021
• My Children, they must be completely obliterated
• they have life in them therefore, you must, must kill them
• yes, kill them and cast their total destruction into nothingness and declare that they cannot regenerate
• historical Reverberations may be dealt with en masse
• any specific ones you know of deal with separately
• you must not procrastinate in dealing with their elimination
• My Children, as soon as you are aware of any unholy Reverberation being put forth, shoot it down, this must be
• let no unholy Reverberation have time to increase nor to hit its intended mark
• My Children, educate, be prepared to educate anyone you sense that may be receptive to this knowledge's basic concepts
• teach them to recognize their own unholy Reverberations being sent forth so they can be careful with their own words
The first thing that needs to be illuminated is a basic concept in what the Lord said here,"yes, kill them and cast their total destruction into nothingness and declare that they cannot regenerate." This is something the Lord taught us to do during our wash at the Lord's Laver and should be added to your wash at the Lord's Laver if you're not doing it.
The concept: At the laver after you have washed off all unrighteousness do the act of gathering up and casting the unrighteousness while saying, "I/we gather up all the unrighteousness I/we have washed off and I/we cast it into the Lake of Fire to be burnt into complete and total nothingness. It cannot be regenerated in any realm at any level. I/we legally allow, activate and invoke all these declarations with the Legal authority of Your name Yahushua/Jesus."
This concept may seem like a lot but once you learn it it doesn't take much time at all. This is the concept behind what the Lord said: "yes, kill them and cast their total destruction into nothingness and declare that they cannot regenerate."
There are two basic situations mentioned in the Lord's words. How do we treat them?
1. Historical: historical Reverberations may be dealt with en masse
a. Going back to the inception of a person's life!
b. Going back to creation!
c. Going back to the formation of the First Congressional meeting of the United States!
d. Going back to the beginning of a political party.
e. Going back to the beginning of a family name or a marriage!
Going back in time results in a massive number of reverberations!
en masse is an adverb meaning - in a group; all together:
The Lord has taught us to legally commandeer (pulling something away from where it is) like commandeering guns away from an army to a particular place.
Here is an example:
Meeting 1-06-2021 - RS
Did you know that people can commit treason in My Kingdom? / I don't take away the free will of men / you know this / keep your eyes on Me always / destroy the reverberations of all the events of treason in My Kingdom on earth / neglect not to do this for My Kingdom
These people probably walked in the Lord's grace and mercy but the point is I realized that these unholy reverberations were still affecting the Lord's Kingdom on earth now. He said,"neglect not to do this for My Kingdom!"
I commandeered with the action of bringing all the angry and unholy reverberations of all the events of treason in the Lord's Kingdom into the room I do my warfare in. I bring them all together in front of me saying, "I commander all of the angry and unholy reverberations of all the events of treason that have occurred in the Lord's Kingdom on earth since creation." Now to be honest here I don't remember for sure but I may have said, "Since the start of the Lord's Kingdom on earth."
The angry and unholy reverberations are gathered which brings us to the next step which is to destroy them!
"yes, kill them and cast their total destruction into nothingness and declare that they cannot regenerate"
You say, "I shoot all of you dead with the legal authority of the name Yahushua/Jesus." Then you gather them up and cast them into the Lake of Fire using the protocols already explained above.
The Lord brings up another important picture:
Meeting 1-5-2021 - RS
... can you imagine what removing all these reverberations did in the spirit realm? (In my mind I saw tiny 'void' squares in what looked to be scattered in space.) / be not lax in these things / time / Tell the holy reverberations to expand and replace the unholy reverberations according to the Law of Increase to fill the void / this is not something you tell just anyone
2. Unholy Reverberations: any specific ones you know of deal with separately.
You must not procrastinate in dealing with their elimination.
3. Immediate situation: My Children, as soon as you are aware of any unholy Reverberation being put forth, shoot it down, this must be; let no unholy Reverberation have time to increase nor to hit its intended mark.
An immediate situation:
Let's say you encounter unholy reverberations during a conversation. After the conversation with small actions say,"I shoot down and kill all unholy reverberations in what I just heard. You will not reach your intended mark! I cast you into the Lake of Fire to be burnt into nothingness, You cannot regenerate! I legally allow, activate and invoke all of these declarations with the legal authority of Yahushua's/Jesus' name."
The Lord calls these things concepts.