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Silence is Beauty and a Major Key in all Deliverances


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Silence is Beauty and a Major Key in all Deliverances

Habakkuk 2:20 But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

The Lord said, “Silence is beauty and a major key in all deliverances." When I was delivered from the spirit of fear it was commanded that the spirit stop tearing my body. What I am sharing with you is a more excellent way. There is a big difference between the gifts of the Spirit operating and walking in the power of the Kingdom, the ministry of the Lord in the earth performed by Himself.

To start this picture, we have been involved in a number of deliverances that occurred with people clear across this country and with people the Lord brought here. This site can teach you how to cross over into the Kingdom of God that Jesus revealed was all around us. There are two types of meetings where you can do this. Unknown to us, the Lord began showing us a third type, a meeting with an agenda of deliverance.

(The Lord instigated meeting with this man.) To begin, the Lord told a man that he needed deliverance and that it would need to be done by a group. He arranged to come here and we set up a special meeting for him. We held the meeting, but we found ourselves regressing into doing things the way we had been taught in the past during deliverances. Plenty of things happened in those hours, but both the man and all of us knew he was not delivered. The man asked to stay over for another meeting.

Now the Lord had given me a scene in which I saw what looked to be a piece of paper with thick grey lines on it and wide margins as shown. I wasn’t sure what it was about, but felt that it had to do with this man’s deliverance. There were two black boxes attached as shown.

The second meeting with this man:

After our regular weekly meeting we held another meeting with this man for his deliverance. Again we proceeded to do some things our old way and it seemed he was certainly not delivered as he laid on the floor. It may be something of importance to say that in both meetings the man was “out of it” because a major spirit had manifested. He doesn’t remember much of anything that happened during those times.

To move on with the picture of the second meeting, almost all of the group had gone home after a few hours and the ones remaining were the watchman, my wife, and myself. We sat in silence with the man on the floor between where we were seated.

A little over 30 minutes later the watchman saw the word “Discharge” and said, “We discharge you lying spirit from XXX body, by the Power, the Might, the Grace & the Thrust of the Name of JESUS. Your "assignment" against XXX is null & void. And you lying spirit, your credentials are now canceled. - And your "legal access" is now void. (Some time lapsed.) It should be noted that “Discharge, credentials, and legal access” terms were used with each spirit delivered.

Divination, you are now discharged. And your credentials are now discharged, by the Power, the Might, the Grace & the Thrust of the Name of JESUS, you may go.... The Lord said, "discharge one by one." So we knew there would be more to become discharged.

I have written into the picture all the spirits that were discharged. (Time lapsed between all of them.) We maintained the silence as the watchman spoke the words. I should also reveal that the Lord said sometime during all of this, "I work in calm." He was addressing how the group had been before.

What we were witnessing was the deliverance of a man being done very calmly and smoothly. At the end of going through what turned out to be a list the Lord said, "That's all for now."

As this was happening I had the best view of the man on the floor. I have thought a lot on how to describe what I saw as each spirit appeared to be leaving. It seemed to be a fluttering, like a bird flying out of the body, starting at the feet and going out the head. This varied a little with each one, but when Legion came out it was like a flock of birds fluttered out and there was a lot more movement of the body for a longer period of time. I was amazed at how easy all of this happened and without fanfare. The watchman was calm, the man was calm, we were all calm. There was a big difference in this man after this meeting, but we knew there was to be another meeting because of what the Lord had said, "That's all for now."

In preparation for the next section, I share some Words from Golden Meetings concerning silence through different people in different states in the USA.

24 Apr 2013
“Silence is beauty and a major key in all deliverances."

26 Apr 2013
Silence is key when entering before Me, focus, I am here in your midst. I am the meeting, let Me work unhindered, free flowing in your midst.

21 Apr 2013
Explosion of life, Victory in the silence.

20 Apr 2013
Silence...listen to the quiet, Battles are won in the silence.

Wed, 17 Apr 2013
I will be found here in the deepest silence; seek Me here. The power flows in the silence unknown to man.

The last meeting with this man:

The meeting was simply amazing. We had decided not to do anything at all (not even going to the Laver) until the Lord revealed what to do, much more like the other Golden Meetings we have done for years. We met and sat silent before the Lord. About 15 minutes into the silence I had a song phrase going through me so strongly I finally started singing the phrase very calmly. Everyone joined in until the phrase was sung through once and returned to the silence.

Two hours into the silence, the watchman shared what the Lord had been showing/speaking to her. From our records: "armor of GOD / protections, protections, protections" We need to get our armor on. We all did. "protocol / time to wash" The Lord instructed us to wash at the Laver, “we want to do a thorough washing, especially our right ear." Saw a mighty wave, a mighty wind, the River of Life.

I’m not going to go into all the details, but as far as the deliverance the name of Jesus was never used. This is because Jesus was on the scene doing the delivering, all of it. He was in the silence, just like He was at the battle of Jericho as explained on the Take His Heart site. I want to inject into the information here that the man said there were all kinds of things going on in his body during the silence.

14 Apr 2013
Silence, Group silence must be achieved, My spirit will overcome the enemy.

We were all standing, watching and doing the acts necessary, as the Lord revealed to do them. The man was standing and as the spirits came out he would “cu,” kind of like a small, short weak cough for each spirit that came out. It was so peaceful and smooth.

I give witness to the fact that I have never seen the Lord speak, encourage, and give instruction to a person as much as I witnessed in this deliverance. It was phenomenal. We were witnessing the personal ministry of the Lord to this man. Wow, just like the Lord revealed to me years ago; that it is all about His ministry in the earth, not ours.

18 Mar 2013
Trespass not allowed. What about trespass? My way of doing things, My functions, My protocols. Please understand these are for My purposes, not yours. Therefore learn them, as I will have silence before Me. I AM Holy, therefore should be treated as Holy. Nothing less will suffice.

Zechariah 2:13
Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation.

20 Apr 2013
Find Me in the silence, Practice.

Silence is Key

24 Apr 2013
Silence is beauty and a major key in all deliverances.

Silence was Key in the deliverance of the city of Jericho, by the Lord Himself, into the hands of Israel. (Remember, the Lord instigated the battle of Jericho.) Link to article

Silence was key in Jericho Dumapias’ outdoor meeting in the Philippines. (The Lord instigated what happened there.) People (the public) were delivered by the Lord out of bondage after three days of silence (by Jericho and his leaders). Link to article

Here I share another meeting Jericho Dumapias held on an island in the Philippines. (The Lord instigated what happened here too.) The Lord had instructed him and the people with him to do the silent warfare before the meeting. He mentions the silence in His report.

Dear Prophet Roy, (edited some)
    The place were idol worshippers, adult, young people, children are selling idols in the road, big and small. I smell the ugly harlot in the place. Morning, we do arrive and the man who is our contact was excited, it was the joy in his face. I saw that he was excited to know the deep things of God, that He revealed only to His chosen prophet (and that is you, prophet Roy).
But still the Lord was dealing with us to do silent spiritual warfare. Again the ugly harlot, the old religion that bound the filipino, the place for 300 years, and as we do silent warfare I saw a light, a light of righteousness, a holiness of God became a mighty cutter and cut the devil’s dirty chain.
My heart cries, I feel that God loves these people and that He wants them to be free. Until the time had come in the first day, many women had attended wearing a necklace with little idols on it, that from time to time they kiss the necklace. But God allowed me to share the mechanics of salvation, and as I share to them the true way of salvation and no other way they started grabbing the necklaces, crying and throwing them to the garbage. I saw that their love of that necklace was gone and it transferred to JESUS. I feel the Love of God was touching the people. I saw that people were totally set free from the old ugly harlot. The religion of Satan was totally destroyed by God’s mighty presence. Thank You, Lord.  All the glory and Honor was only for Him alone.
So at the last day of our stay I gathered the pastors and let them experience the silent moving of God, that delivers a clear message to everyone. With notebook and pen in their hands and the absence of the noise, everyone’s hands were moving, writing the clear instruction of God, individually. But there was a message that was for all, saying, “Continue to dwell in My presence, commune with Me, that in My presence there is Joy, Peace, Victory and healing. Offer your self to me and I will use you for My Glory.” Wow, a face of happiness I saw. They received a clear understanding of this new movement of God, a SILENT MEETING.

Love you all,
me jericho dumapias

03 Apr 2013
Silence must be learned. I speak mysteries in the silence of man's mind, revelation made known in the peaceful quiet, this is My dwelling, unlike the world's chaos and frenzy, meet Me in the quiet place, it's there, we dwell as one.

22 Oct 2012
I AM here waiting to be found by you, I AM in the silence away from the world, seek Me here. Yes Lord. Holiness, reverence, honor, discipline, justice, righteousness, in these I delight, Amen. My ways have purpose, function in them. Yes Lord. Abide by My protocol, guidelines are for safety, beneficial to the doer. Obey without understanding, everything will not be understood. Keep Me first, the world seeks to crowd Me out. Yes Lord. I must be honored above all. Obedience, a well pleasing sacrifice. Honor and obey. Yes Lord. In this I will be pleased. Take this and go.

The Bride says come and learn!

PDF of this information - Go to repository of the Lord's Words from Golden Meetings

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